Once again, too many strange coincidences to believe in the single bullet theory.

Reconstruction of last few moments on Flight 990! *new*

Transcript of Final words, clearly not suicide *new*

Expert: Egyptian Official Suggests
Flight 990 Downed by Explosion

Translation Correction: Pilots Worked
Together to Try to Save EgyptAir Plane

One passenger, McLaughlin, illegally let off flight at JFK,
and later found on the scene officially as a "support counselor".
(oddly, CNN now denies this article.. click here for scanned printout of article)

"Tawakkaltu 'alAllah"
May God help us. The words of a suicidal man?
The U.S. admits to fabricating some of co-pilots last words

Defector from Egypt wants asylum in the United Kingdom, has information

Crew knew there was a problem when flight was in New York
Boston Herald, headline article, Friday November 12, 1999

Flight 990 was carrying 33 Egyptian elite military personnel

Strange stop in Edwards Airforce Base, this was later called a mistake
because of confusing Edwards with Newark ?

TWA 800 is solved?

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